Friday 14 June 2013

How time flies...

It really has been a long time since our last post - around six months in fact!  So here is a really quick catch up of what we've been up to since then...

We finished our trip in New Zealand (something which I hope to blog about in more detail at some point, with pictures!) and returned to France and to the farm where our beloved campervan was waiting for us.  Fortunately we managed to avoid jetlag (again), as two days after returning to the northern hemisphere we started our second winter season in La Plagne.  This time round was a little different as there was a new addition to the Ski La Roche family in the form of little Fynn, Dan and Becky's baby.  He's a superstar and fitted into the whirlwind of a winter season more smoothly than anyone could ever have hoped for (an inspiration for anyone who may be considering a winter season with a little person in tow).  We also had a different apartment higher up the mountain and actually piste-side - we had a balcony too!  Other than that, the season went just as wonderfully as the first... lots of snow (LOTS and LOTS this year!) so plenty of off-piste riding, some park sessions and a generally terrific time on the mountain.  The chalet was busy and we were all worked pretty hard - which was rewarded by some bumper tips!  Towards the end of the season we discussed with Dan & Becky about coming back for our third - and final - season in 2013/14 so that we could close up Ski La Roche all together as a team (the properties were up for sale and so it would be Dan & Becky's last season too).  It was agreed as a provisional plan, on the basis that it didn't get sold during the summer!

So, off home we went.  Agatha was packed up with all our stuff and we said goodbye to the mountains once again.  Before catching the ferry across to Blighty we paid a quick visit to the Auvergne and our friends Pete and Janita at the farm.  After two lovely relaxing days playing games, cuddling our animal friends and a bit of spring gardening, we set off for the ferry.

Which brings us back to the UK and summer 2013.  If you can call it summer.  Again, the British weather hasn't failed in it's ability to be totally rubbish.  Anyway, enough of that - at least the gardens are getting watered!

So here we are, back at home, making plans for the next six months and beyond. 

Exciting times! :D

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