Monday 4 August 2014

Obsession #2 - my sewing machine

I've always felt as though I've had an inner arty/crafty side, although as yet it has rather disappointingly failed to show its face.  This has not, however, stopped me from attempting crafty hobbies, although these have tended towards the practical rather than arty types. I was taught to knit by my nan when I was little and have periodically taken it up, although only knitted scarves (or rather "lengths" as they never materialised into actual garments!) until a year or so ago when I branched out into hats, gloves and jumpers. I even knitted a jumper for my dads birthday present! Now has come the time for me to embrace sewing. My mum has loaned me her ancient Singer machine and I've been getting involved!!

Like most things I do, I read tutorials and advice and see that there are patterns to follow and "ways" of doing things... And then I ignore it all and jump straight in! Sewing has been no different. I started with some zipper cushion covers, then by refashioning an old long black apron (the ones bar waiters often wear) into a pleated skirt. Then I decided to make a large beanbag and after that a dress to wear to my friends wedding.

And now I'm making more zipper cushion covers for my parents and I'm attempting a blouse for work, in sheer material. In at the deep end then! I'm pleased to say that nothing so far has been a disaster (after ignoring patterns and tutorials I often go back to them when I find a tricky bit) and I'm hoping that continues. 

So, the sheer blouse is what I'm currently working on and I've cut my pieces - no pattern followed, just used an existing blouse as a sort of outline and added a bit of a longer 'tail' bit at the back which seems to be in fashion right now and I think it's really pretty. 

Now, I found this wonderful tutorial which I am actually going to follow from the beginning rather than get stuck and find myself thinking "there must be an easier way!" when I'm in the middle of creating my own bizarre processes! The link is here The Habygoddess - Tutorial how to hem chiffon... and I'm off to give it a go now!

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