Tuesday 6 December 2011

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Well, we must be good snow omens... it snowed all last night (we presume) and the majority of today.  It's literally shin high!  Up until yesterday the whole place has apparently been green!  We're definitely set to have an open resort for the first weekend of the season... yey!

Other exciting news - we moved into our apartment this morning.  We managed to get all our stuff in and we've even been given a sofa and a coffee table by Dan and Becky.  Should be pretty cosy!  It's a new(ish) purpose built block of flats specially built for seasonnaires - apparently, all the shop/bar/chalet/hotel owners in the area clubbed together to get it built because previously it was really difficult to get anywhere for the staff to live.  Pretty cool, huh?!

We're still going to be living in our adopted home for the couple of weeks whilst we are doing our training and initiation.  Not that we're complaining - this chalet is amazing!  This is where we're working for the next five months or so... www.skilaroche.co.uk .

Tomorrow we're going to be starting our cooking training and also going into Bourg Saint Maurice to do  a "big shop"!

November signing off

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