Tuesday 6 December 2011

Premier etage...

So, a couple of nice days in Paris to help us recoup from the overnight drive/ferry from Nottingham to France. The hotel we were booked into turned out to be pretty much perfect for us (Paname Hotel Bastille), with a lockable garage space for the car! Certainly put us as ease, considering all our belongings are stored in the car! Great area of Paris too, plenty going on but in a friendly homely kind of way. Would definitely go back there.

Spent both days just generally mooching around the place - we did all the tourist spots last year so didn't feel any pressure to do any of that again.  We did go tot he Military Museum (Ian's request!) which was quite good... Saw Napoleon's Tomb - and his horse, randomly!

Set off from Paris at 9am and started the 7 hour journey to the Alpes... pretty uneventful really - not worth saying much about it!

Oh, apart from my tripe sausage experience.... The less said, the better!

November signing off

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